Topics in Analysis
MAT7067, SUSTech, 2023

About Course

分析专题课程: 本课程主要有两个部分组成,

汇总笔记 Compiled Notes
No. Date. Notes.
Part 1. An Introduction to Non-harmonic Fourier Analysis
Lecture 1 2023/02/14 Lecture 1: Chapter 1: Bases in Banach Spaces-Schauder basis, Schauder theorem and Orthonormal basis in Hilbert Space
Lecture 2 2023/02/16 Lecture 2: cont.Hilbert Space, Reproducing Kernel
Lecture 3 2023/02/23 Lecture 3: Complete sequences, Coefficient functional, Riesz basis
Lecture 4 2023/02/28 Lecture 4: cont. Equivalent condition of Riesz basis, Paley-wiener criterion
Lecture 5 2023/03/02 Lecture 5: Problem Set Discussion-1, Chapter 2: Entire functions of Exponential Type

这一个Lecture和之后的Lecture有部分Complex Analysis的内容

Lecture 6 2023/03/09 Lecture 6: cont. Entire function of exponential type
Lecture 7 2023/03/14 Lecture 7: Paley-Wiener Theorem and Paley-Wiener space
Lecture 8 2023/03/16 Lecture 8: Chapter 3: The Completeness of sets of complex exponentials
Lecture 9 2023/03/23 Lecture 9: cont.Completeness of sets of complex exponentials, Kadec 1/4 theorem
Lecture 10 2023/03/28 Lecture 10: Stability, Chapter 4: Interpolation and basis in Hilbert space
Lecture 11 2023/03/30 Lecture 11: cont.Bessel Sequences, Riesz-Fischer Sequences, Moment Space and Equivalent Sequences, Frame
Lecture 12 2023/04/06 Lecture 12: cont. Exact frame and Riesz basis, Stability of Non-harmonic Series
Part 2: A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis (🗒️ Outline)
Lecture 13 2023/04/11
Lecture 14 2023/04/13 Lecture 14: p-adic field Qp
Lecture 15 2023/04/20 Lecture 15: Convolutions on G, Homogeneous spaces
Lecture 16 2023/04/25 Lecture 16: Banach Algebra and Basic Representation Theory
Lecture 17 2023/04/27 Lecture 17: cont. Basic Representation Theory
Lecture 18 2023/05/04 Lecture 18: Analysis on locally compact abelian groups
Lecture 19 2023/05/09 Lecture 19: cont. Characters
Lecture 20 2023/05/11 Lecture 20: Qp hat sim Qp, Fourier Transform
Lecture 21 2023/05/18 Lecture 21: Bochner’s theorem, Fourier Inversion
Lecture 22 2023/05/23 Lecture 22: Pontrjagin Duality
Lecture 23 2023/05/25 Lecture 23: Proof of Pontrjagin Duality, Poisson Summation Formula
Lecture 24 2023/06/01 Lecture 24: cont. Poisson Summation Formula